Are you ready for the powers of coffee?

Are you ready for the powers of coffee?

Photo: Expresso Hobbyist CC-By-2.0

Strength in every sip

Most people enjoy good coffee in one way or another. Arguably it’s the most widely consumed beverage in the world short of water. Coffee offers health benefits that very few realize.

It is becoming widely known that coffee contains antioxidants. These, are known for fighting cancer. A number of studies have been done over the years showing coffee’s cancer fighting powers.

A study at the University of Scranton in 2005 determined that coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in America.

“Antioxidants are your army to protect you from the toxic free radicals, which come from breathing oxygen and eating sugar, that start chronic diseases. Antioxidants help stave off cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke.”, says Dr. Joe Vinson, a chemistry professor who led the Scranton study.

Studies in the past have also shown that a cup of coffee a day can help in preventing Parkinson’s Disease in men. It is believed that hormones keep coffee from having the same affect on women.

In December of 2009  Harvard Medical School reported to the American Association for Cancer Research annual conference that coffee may prevent prostate cancer. The report was the result of a twenty year study of 4975 men.

So we’ve determined that a cup of coffee a day can aid in preventing some pretty scary diseases-but, can it help you in other ways?

Pre-workout drink of choice

Do you down an energy drink prior to working out? Either chocked full of sugar, or dangerous artificial sweeteners. Along with this is usually a ton of calories. The typical energy drinks may not be a good choice.

It’s common knowledge that coffee is a stimulant. The caffeine found in a cup of joe acts quickly-giving a boost of energy. Coffee, depending on what you add to it, is low in calories. Unless you buy a $5 specialty drink, coffee is inexpensive. These points make coffee a smart choice for a pre-workout drink.

Speed up your metabolism

Coffee doesn’t just give you a boost of energy-it also gives your metabolism a jump start. The caveat is that once you pass the “too much” thresh hold, it can slow your metabolism down. Like with everything in life, moderation is the word to remember.

Where do you get your fix?

Quality roasted coffees can be found at the grocery store these days. I have three online resources that will deliver some great coffee right to your door.

I’m from Seattle originally, so you know I’m a Starbucks boy. They have become sort of an icon for gourmet coffee around the world. It just so happens that is an affiliate advertiser on PhitZone. You know the product. The prices are good. The service is outstanding.

Want something a little more heavenly? Why not try Mystic Monk Coffee? We are very, very proud to have MMC as a new advertisers on PhitZone. A former co-worker brought some Mystic Monk Blend to work one day. That is one of my all time favorite coffees around. Roasted by monastic Carmelite Monks in Wyoming, who have mastered the art of roasting coffee beans. This stuff is superb. The price of a pound of beans is about $10. The proceeds are how the monks put food on the table.

Wouldn’t it be something if you could have a cup of java that had supplements already added? JavaFit does just that. Grown out of the Flintsone chewable? How about a coffee that includes your daily multivitamin? No joke, they have it, along with three or four more varieties. “I love coffee!  Besides the amazing health benefits, it’s my best friend in the morning.  But for all you health fanatics, the data on coffee especially with regards to decreasing the risk of certain cancers and type II diabetes is astounding!”, says  Jose Antonio, Ph.D, Chief Science Office of JavaFit.

Whatever your preference, enjoy a cup of coffee everyday.


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8 Responses to “Are you ready for the powers of coffee?”

  • Miguel says:

    That’s what I’m talkin’ about. I used to have a habit of drinking coffee all day long. I’m a once a day guy now. So you’ve tried the Mystic Monk coffees? How was the taste and service?

  • Great article…..JavaFit actually allows affiliates now…..if you like you can become one at . Take care, Beau

    Edit-This link is an affiliate link that belongs to Beau.

  • Todd says:

    @Miguel – With coffee, I’ve always been about quality vs. quantity. I think that has to do with my wife, and es-sister-in-law having worked for Tully’s in the past. It didn’t take me long to become a coffee snob.

    MMC’s coffee is top notch. We wouldn’t advertise them if they weren’t. Until recently I would only order from the Starbucks link. Now I use MMC exclusively. It’s just that darn good. The service has been outstanding.

  • Anne says:

    What a beautiful picture. I have never seen that done at the local espresso store.

    I hate to say it, but I love the fattening drinks. They’re so yummy.

  • Todd says:

    @Anne Latte art is usually only going to be found at the cafe’ style places. The baristas that do this are super talented.

    My Achilles’ heel is a grande non-fat no-whip mocha. Hot chocolate with a couple shots of espresso-it just doesn’t get any better IMO.

  • Tim says:

    I’m more of a tea person (I blame it on my English mother), but if it is a really good cup of coffee, I’m all over it.

    Have you seen any studies on the effects of tea? Just curious.

  • Todd says:

    @Beau I’ve never tried JavaFit. I only know of it because of Dr. Antonio. We only advertise those products that we know and trust.

    Thanks for the heads up though about their affiliate program though. I never noticed it on their site.

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